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2021-07-22 来源: 中国石化新闻网

  中国石化新闻网讯据烃加工网站7月20日报道 南非最大的原油精炼厂SAPREF运营商在一份声明中表示,由于暴力抢劫浪潮席卷全国,SAPREF暂时关闭后,将开始重新启动。




  王磊 摘译自 烃加工


  South Africa's SAPREF refinery to begin restart

  South Africa's largest crude oil refinery, SAPREF, will begin restarting, after temporarily shutting down as a wave of violent looting swept across the country, the operators said in a statement.

  The refinery, situated in the east coast port city of Durban, shut down last week due to violence that claimed more than 200 lives and caused billions of rands worth of damage.

  A 50/50 joint venture between BP and Shell, SAPREF has a nameplate capacity of 180,000 barrels per day and accounts for around 35% of the refining capacity in Africa's most industrialised economy, a net importer of petroleum products.

  The refinery restart will take between 7-10 days to be completed, the operators said.

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